Just Trust


Trust in the LORD with all your heart.

Proverbs 3:5

While many of us have put our trust in Jesus to save our souls, we struggle with trusting in Him for our marriage, children, career, money, dreams, etc. Yet, we can never really know and grow in the Lord, unless we are willing to trust in Him with all of our hearts. Let’s learn to T-R-U-S-T in the Lord:

T – Take God at His word. (Isaiah 55:11)
When we are struggling with trusting in God, it’s helpful to increase our time in the word. Studying the scriptures brings peace to our troubled hearts and fills us with courage.

R – Remind yourself of God’s faithfulness in the past. (Lamentations 3:23)
By remembering when God came through for us in the past, we are assured of His faithfulness in the tests we face now. He hasn’t changed, but allows our faith to be tested so we can grow.

U – Understand that God is in control when we are not. (Job 40:9)
Many times we struggle because we can’t control people nor circumstances. However, we can rest in the fact that God is everywhere all the time and He is always in control.

S – Seek out other faith followers of Christ. (1 Thessalonians 5:11)
Our faith in God is strengthened all the more when we surround ourselves with other believers. Their testimony encourages us to keep the faith because God is no respecter of people.

T – Turn away from negative thoughts. (1 Peter 1:13)
Our minds will always drift to the worse that can possibly happen. We will have to discipline our thoughts to meditate on what is truth, righteous, good, and praiseworthy.


Dear Lord, I want to trust in You with all of my heart. Help me to overcome any obstacles that seek to hinder my faith in You. Amen.

In His Service,

Crystal McDowell Signature

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