Does God need Us

Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.

1 Corinthians 12:27

Does God need us? At first glance at this question, most of us will quickly reply an adamant “no”. God doesn’t need us to do His will. God created the whole world and universe without the existence of man. God is how we live, move, and have our being. (Acts 17:28) If we decided to not praise God for His glory…the rocks would cry out. (Luke 19:40)

So why would God need us? Jesus needs us to be His witnesses—His body to reach out to a fallen world. God could’ve created a plan of salvation with the angels—but they don’t know what it means to go from darkness to the light. They don’t have the redemption story that we as believers have in Him. No, God decided that His precious message of eternal salvation will be spread through His people.

God wants us to walk in discernment and share our personal stories of being redeemed. He wants us to not be ashamed of the gospel or afraid to offend someone with the truth. Our awkwardness can be overcome with prayer and practice. We can’t save people—only the Holy Spirit can draw a person to Himself. However, we can step out in faith to set up the conversation, to suggest the possibility of life after death and to explain the experience of being free from sin.

God needs His people to be the arms and legs of Jesus Christ. He needs us to love others the same way He loves them and gave up His life for them. Jesus needs us to see people not as they are right now, but the potential they have in the kingdom of Christ.

Obviously, the godhead of Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit can manage without us. However, the Lord chose us before the foundation of the world. He leads us by the Spirit to share the only gospel that can set men and women free from the bondages of Satan, sin, and death.


Dear Lord, help me to be Your hands and feet to witness to those around me. I need Your strength, courage, and discernment to adequately share the gospel with the lost. In Jesus’ name, amen.

In His Service,

Crystal McDowell Signature

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