How to Find a Good Church


When you are assembled in the name of the Lord Jesus.

1 Corinthians 5:4

Even with an exceptional number of churches in different communities, it’s not easy to find the right fit. Many people struggle with finding a good church for a number of reasons, including past hurts from former ministries. Some prefer to watch on TV or the computer. Some have exhausted their list of churches.

Whatever the reason, finding a Bible-based ministry is essential for Christian growth and fellowship. Find your answer in C-H-U-R-C-H:

C – Choose the church that God wants for you.
Ask God to open your eyes to what He wants you to see. God’s thoughts are greater than your thoughts; therefore, He will give you deeper insight.

H – Have a good understanding of the church doctrine and practices.
A great choir can’t make up for unbiblical teaching. Bring your Bible to test the teachings for clarity, conciseness, and sound doctrine.

U – Understand that churches are made up of imperfect people.
None of us are perfect, but we are being perfected in Christ. Give grace to other people who may not be in the same spiritual walk that you are.

R – Release expectations that aren’t vital for a good ministry to thrive.
Checklists with things such as good music, strong children’s ministries, and deep worship may not be on God’s checklist for you. While these are great to have in church, they aren’t essential for you to be a part of the ministry.

C – Come with an attitude of serving instead of seeking to be served.
Look for opportunities to be a blessing in the name of Christ. The Lord blesses you with spiritual gifts, not for yourself but for the growth and encouragement of the church.

H – Have faith in God to lead you in the right ministry.
Resist the urge to join too quickly. Pray and receive God’s guidance because He knows where you will be spiritually fed and used for His purposes.


Dear Lord, I desire Your will and guidance for the church that I’m to join. I pray for clarity and peace in the right direction. Amen.

In His Service,

Crystal McDowell Signature

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