The Best Husband Ever

For your Maker is your Husband

Isaiah 54:5

What would make the best husband ever? Would he partner with you in ministry like Aquila did with Pricilla in the book of Acts? Would he be your kinsman-redeemer like Boaz was for Ruth? Would he work for 14 years just to have you as his wife like Jacob did for Rachel? Every woman who wants to be married really wants a man to love her like Christ loves the church and gave Himself up for her.

However, what if that husband was delayed longer than you expected? Or perhaps you are widowed or divorced and it seems like this will never be the case for you.

There is someone who can step in and be the husband that your heart desires most. He is your Maker, the Lord God. In Isaiah 54, God describes His devotion to the nation of Israel, who had been deserted. Our Lord is also a devoted husband to those of us who long to be loved, provided for, and protected.

We can pray to our Maker as a husband to lead us in the right direction and to help us when we find ourselves in difficulty. When we truly call on Him in faith, we find ourselves strengthened and comforted in spite of difficulty. Through His peace and presence, we can also refuse to dwell on the past or hold onto unforgiving attitudes from those who have let us down.

God can be the best husband ever for those women who will turn their eyes and attention to Him. He is always available day or night, and He loves to hear us share our heart’s desires with Him. The Lord, our husband, makes everything work together for our good in His perfect timing. As you pray to Him daily, He speaks through His word, and He always speaks the truth.


Dear Lord, You are the best husband ever, and I want my life to honor You in the things I say and do. Help me to turn to You first and trust in You with all my heart. Amen.

In His Service,

Crystal McDowell Signature

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