How Do I Grow up Spiritually


Let us leave the elementary doctrine of Christ and go on to maturity.

Hebrews 6:1

Spiritual growth doesn’t happen overnight. Similar to getting healthy, those who lose too much weight too quickly will gain it all back plus more. However, those who take it day by day, working towards their goal with a made-up mind, tend to be successful. To have a healthy spiritual life is the same, and we have power from God to make a choice to mature.

Spiritual growth happens when we decide to set aside time every day to pray. Our prayers don’t have to be formal or complicated. Instead, our prayers are a time to have a conversation with God where we give Him worship, ask for forgiveness, offer thankfulness, and make our requests.

Spiritual growth happens when we commit to reading and meditating on God’s word every day. We can pray His word, make note cards to hang up, or get involved in a Bible study with others. Our continuing search for knowing God will be found in His word, and we will find ourselves closer to Him.

Spiritual growth happens when we are actively engaged and serving the body of Christ in church. Our opportunity to be blessing and encouragement to others will help broaden our knowledge and understanding of applying God’s word as we serve.

Spiritual growth happens when we actively practice what we have learned about God through the preaching and teaching of His word. Our knowledge of God will lead us towards demonstrating wisdom with our actions in our homes, schools, workplace, and community.

Spiritual growth happens when we refuse to let sin have dominion over our lives. Our choice to turn away from sin when we are tempted will make us stronger believers in the faith and strengthen our resolve against the devil.


Dear Lord, I want to grow up spiritually in You. I pray for the strength and wisdom to make the right choices every single day that will lead to becoming a more mature believer in Jesus Christ. Amen.

In His Service,

Crystal McDowell Signature

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