How can I hear from God?

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.

John 10:27

Jesus said that we would hear His voice. If we’ve put our trust in Him—as sheep following the Good Shepherd—we can hear the leading of His voice. Sometimes it’s difficult to hear Him because there are so many other distracting voices around us. We have our own voices, the voices of our past, the voices of family/friends, the voices of the world, the voice of our flesh, and the voice of the devil.

How can we hear God’s voice with so many others calling out to us? The best way to hear the Shepherd’s voice is to L-I-S-T-E-N:

L – Lay aside sin or anything that pulls us away from God’s presence. (Hebrews 12:1) Sometimes we can’t hear God’s voice because we need to pull away from things in our lives that are displeasing to the Lord. We need to come to a place of complete surrender to His lordship.

I – Intently pursue time alone with God in prayer every day. (Psalm 145:18) How badly do we really want to hear God’s voice? If we want to know Him, then we will make the time to pray every day. Our prayers are the primary way of communicating with Him.

S – Search out the scriptures with an open heart and mind to hear from God. (Acts 17:11) In order that we avoid being mislead by the wrong voices, we need to have a solid foundation of truth for hearing God’s voice. His word is the truth and anything that doesn’t line up with the scriptures isn’t from God.

T – Train your mind to reject anything that is contrary to God’s word or His nature. (Philippians 2:5) Our minds can go everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Because we are God’s chosen people, we have the power of the Holy Spirit to help us focus our minds on what is right. It’s a discipline that happens over time as we continually keep our thoughts in line with truth.

E – Expect in faith that God will speak to you at the right time in His will and plan. (Hebrews 11:6) Our faith will help us press forward when we feel like God will never speak to us. We encourage ourselves with the truth of Jesus words “my sheep hear my voice”.

N – Never let up on your expectation of God’s desire to commune with you. (James 4:8) Satan will try to convince us that God is too busy to speak to our hearts. Yet we must push past the lies of the enemy and know that our God loves and longs to connect with us.


Dear Lord, I long to hear your voice in my heart for guidance, wisdom, and comfort. I pray that you will help me to listen and know that you are with me. Amen.

In His Service,

Crystal McDowell Signature

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