Another Chance


Return, ye backsliding children, and I will heal your backslidings.

Jeremiah 3:22

Have you ever sinned and felt like God will never forgive you? Perhaps you’ve messed up your life and the lives of others with sinful behaviors that left terrible consequences. You want to ask God for another chance or a renewed start, but you don’t feel worthy or you don’t trust yourself to fall back into the same old sins.

There are many religions and cults which require people to do many acts of penance to make up for their sins. Yet even when people follow everything perfectly to the letter, they are still plagued in their hearts with guilt. It’s different for those who once walked with God and backslid into their sin. God will take us back immediately when we humble ourselves to pray and seek His forgiveness. He will clean us up from the inside out.

Just as the prodigal son returned home filthy and broken in spirit, we can return to the Lord. The prodigal son didn’t get himself together before he came to his father; he showed up just as he was. And while he was still a little ways from home, “his father saw him and felt compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him” (Luke 15:30).

This is the picture of Jesus Christ accepting us back after we’ve backslid into our sin. There is another chance with God through Jesus Christ to live a life full of purpose and destiny. He can turn the most mundane experiences into great opportunities to share His grace, mercy, and love to others for those who’ve messed up.

Our responsibility is the same as the prodigal son. We need to look around at the pitiful reality of our lives and recognize how much better it was in our Father’s house. We can expect our Lord to receive us back into the fold so that we can live in the peace of His comforting presence.


Dear Lord, I need another chance to walk right with You. I repent of my sins and long for peace with You regardless of my circumstance. Please forgive me and help me to overcome my weaknesses. Amen.

In His Service,

Crystal McDowell Signature

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