It’s a temptation we all at one time or another deal with—comparing ourselves with other people. We may compare our homes, cars, spouses, children, or professions. Some of us feel better about ourselves because we think we’re doing so much better than our neighbors. Others of us struggle daily with feelings of unfairness and jealousy. Even in the body of Christ, there’s unfair comparisons of our spiritual gifts. However, God has called our hearts to peace because He has specifically chosen and gifted each one of us for His ultimate purpose and plan.
Many times, a spirit of discontentment clouds our hearts and thinking that drives us to comparing ourselves with other people. When we learn to see ourselves as God sees us: loved, valued, significant, precious, and uniquely designed by Him—comparing ourselves quickly falls off our minds. Instead, we feel empowered and driven by the Spirit of God to stop wasting time looking around at others and we look up to Him for grace.
Satan will always attempt to use opportunities of change, disappointment, and the unexpected to drive us towards the discouragement of comparisons. Yet, he is a deceiver who seeks to cause division within the body of Christ and taint our vision to see people the way God sees them. When we recognize our negative and evil thoughts towards others—we can rebuke the devil and resist wrong thinking with the word of God.
If we find ourselves doing well in the Lord and in this life, we have to be careful to resist seeing ourselves as better than others. Instead, we focus on the reason God has blessed us—to be a blessing to others. Life on earth is unpredictable and our lives can change in the blink of an eye. As we hone in and embrace God’s plan for us, we can see ourselves as ambassadors of encouragement for other people. God will bless us with discernment to assist others in finding peace and contentment in their lives as well.
Dear Lord, You are my hope for purpose and meaning in life. Keep me from the pit hole of comparing my life to the lives other people. In Jesus’ name, amen.
In His Service,
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