When You’ve Done All You Know To Do


Equip you with everything good that you may do his will.

Hebrews 13:21

Have you ever been in a situation you can’t change? You think through all the many options, but the end result is that you can’t change or influence anything differently. We can’t go back in time to do something differently. We can’t make other people change their minds or actions. Many of these situations can leave us feeling frustrated and angry at our limitations.

Sometimes we overestimate ourselves and put more trust in our finite abilities rather than God’s infinite power. If we do this, we quickly find ourselves at the end of our rope and terribly frustrated. However, it’s in these moments we need to remember that God is in control; and He isn’t subject to our same limitations.

The expectation is that we do everything we can do as equipped by God in faith. We resist the urge to act in our flesh or attempt to cover up anything we did that was wrong. When we surrender our weaknesses and limitations to God, we can trust that He will do above and beyond what we ask or expect. He loves us and wants every believer to put all trust in Him. There is hope in God.

Even though these situations are painful, they help us remember our dependence on God’s grace. His unmerited favor gives us what we need even when we don’t deserve it. Grace is a gift that strengthens our faith in Him and lessens our faith in ourselves. We can do all things through Christ as we are strengthened in the grace that He provides in our time of need.


Dear Lord, I’ve done all I can do in this situation; and I place all my trust in You to work it out. Help me to not waver in my faith in You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

In His Service,

Crystal McDowell Signature

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