What’s Your Goliath


For the battle is the LORD’s, and he will give you into our hand.

1 Samuel 17:47

What’s your Goliath? A Goliath is anything that attempts to disrupt God’s purpose and plan for your life. The Goliath that David faced in 1 Samuel 17 flagrantly made his intention clear—to destroy God’s people. How did David defeat his Goliath?

#1) He immediately recognized Goliath’s defiance was against God. (v. 26)
Goliath challenged God’s ability to protect the Israelite army. Many times we need to recognize any attempt from our enemy to derail God’s reputation and bring in fear.

#2) He pushed back the criticism of people. (v. 30)
David’s brother criticized him when he had the courage to call out the uncircumcised Philistine. We also may find ourselves under greater scrutiny when we step out in faith, but we press on anyway.

#3) He stepped up when no one else had the courage. (v. 33)
Even though David was just a boy and not a soldier, his confidence ignited King Saul’s belief. When our Goliath is staring down at us, we need to press forward in the vision in spite of other people’s fear.

#4) He remembered how God had delivered him in the past. (v. 36)
David’s past in dealing with threats increased his confidence in dealing with Goliath. Our pre-Goliath trials strengthen our resolve to never step down in God’s army.

#5) He took action and followed through against Goliath in faith. (v. 47)
David did more than just talk about fighting Goliath; he picked up his stones and faced the enemy. We can also pick up our spiritual weapons in faith and defeat the Goliaths that stand in our way.


Dear Lord, I have many Goliaths that I’m facing, and I need Your strength to follow through in faith. In Jesus’ name, amen.

In His Service,

Crystal McDowell Signature

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