What’s in your Hand

She seeks wool and flax, and works with willing hands.

Proverbs 31:13

When I was a stay-at-home mom, I needed to bring in extra income for the family. Since I homeschooled my children, there wasn’t time in the day nor energy at night to work outside of the home. I struggled with this situation in prayer to God. I felt the Lord lead me to Proverbs 31:13 “works with willing hands.” As I meditated on this, I knew that whatever door opened for me would come at the right season of my life and I would do something with my hands.

A few weeks after this prayer I was contacted by an editor to write a couple of Sunday School lessons. I’ll never forget sitting back and thinking to myself “I can’t believe they are paying me to do this…I love it!” This was many years ago and since then my kids have mostly grown up and I’m still writing. While it’s not my full-time job, it’s still what I can do with my hands that can help meet some part of our family’s needs.

Not all of us can write, but each of us have been given unique gifts from God. If we aren’t intentionally seeking out God’s direction, we may spend a great deal of our lives working on something good when He has something greater for us to accomplish. What are the 5 S’s of discovering our unique gifts?

Step #1) Start with God in prayer. (Isaiah 64:8)

Step #2) Single out those activities that you are good at doing and that you enjoy.
(Ecclesiastes 5:18)

Step #3) Seek for opportunities to bless others with your gift. (Galatians 6:10)

Step #4) Search out mature godly advice from people you trust. (Proverbs 12:15)

Step #5) Step out in faith as the Spirit leads you. (Psalm 25:5)


Dear Lord, I want to be fruitful in the gift that You have given me. Lead me in the right direction to mature my gift so that it can be used to minister to others. In Jesus’ name, amen.

In His Service,

Crystal McDowell Signature

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