What to do when Church Disappoints

But nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church.

[Ephesians 5:29]

What are we to do when our church leadership and direction goes contrary to what we believe? Should we give up on it or do we strive to make it better? Many of us already have enough drama in our lives and we’re not up to stirring things up in our local church—so we just leave and remain churchless. Others of us bounce between church after church because we can’t find just the right fit for our lives. What should we do if our local church disappoints us?

The first step is to recognize the meaning and purpose of the church. Jesus is the head and the church is His body. We can’t separate the head from the body and still expect there to be life. The purpose of the church is primarily twofold: strengthen one another and draw unbelievers to the Lord. We need to be a part of a local church so that our gifts/calling can be put in action.

The second step is to remember that Christ loves the church and He is coming back for her. We can’t love Christ and dismiss His body—anymore than someone can love a parent—but hate the child. Jesus wants His children to find ways to love one another and work towards reconciliation/understanding as much as possible.

The third step is to restore ourselves in church fellowship that gives opportunity to serve the body of Christ and our communities. Our active participation in the local church is far greater than us as individuals. The impact of one person to another can bring an entire generation to turn away from sin and towards a relationship with God.

The easiest but the worse decision is to walk away. As individuals in the faith—we can be strong, but as a united front, we are stronger. As we know in Deuteronomy 32:30 “How should one chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight Except their Rock had sold them, And the Lord had shut them up? Resist the urge to underestimate the value of your presence and spiritual gifts that you bring to your local church.


Dear God, I’m disappointed in my church, but I know that You’ve called me to serve in the ministry. Lead me in the right direction that will result in glory to Your name. In Jesus’ name, amen.

In His Service,

Crystal McDowell Signature

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