As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.

1 Peter 4:10

Once I felt the confirmation that God had given me the gift of teaching—I found myself always teaching. Not just at church, but in the home, in conversations with strangers, family, and friends. My gift has made room for me beyond what I ever thought or imagined. Do you know your spiritual gift or natural talents in the Lord?

Our gifts are given with the expectation of us using them to build Christ’s kingdom. While our gifts can be expressed in many different ways—they aren’t to be wasted. Take Jesus story of the talents in Matthew 25:15-30—now we know that talents refers to money and not our natural gifts; however, it expresses the expectation that God has for us to use what He gives us in order to multiply it in other people. We aren’t gifted so everyone can admire us—that would be like the math teacher who’s great at math for themselves, but they can’t teach it to anyone. We are created to multiply—not divide nor subtract in our gifts.


Dear Lord, help me to know and understand my spiritual gift so that I can be used by You to bless others. In Jesus’name, amen.

In His Service,

Crystal McDowell Signature

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