Never Settle for Less Than the Best


Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us.

Ephesians 3:20

Have you ever settled for less? If so, how did it make you feel later? Typically we feel cheated, but at the same time, we know deep in our hearts that we expected to end up disappointed. Mainly because we knew we were settling for less.

When we are desperate, we will settle for less. It doesn’t matter if it’s in our relationships, in our finances, in our careers, or even in our ministry. It’s interesting that we don’t see anywhere in the Gospels where Jesus just settled for anything. He expected the best of faith from everyone, including His disciples as well as those who were seeking His miraculous power. Jesus didn’t just heal one of the lame man’s legs or bring healing to one eye of the blind. His healing power was accurate and complete.

When we settle for less than the best, we are expecting partiality in our requests to God, especially in our relationships. It’s not that we are expecting people to be perfect because only Jesus is perfect. However, we do expect them (especially in dating relationships) to reflect the Lord’s presence in their lives by what they say and do.

Settling for less than the best is a key characteristic of a person who doesn’t feel that they are worthy of more. The Lord values each of His daughters and longs for us to see ourselves the way He sees us—of exceptional value and priceless. When we see ourselves this way, we will never settle for less than what God wants for us in our finances, relationships, and ministry. We will rise as women of faith destined for reflecting our Father’s glory.


Dear Lord, I want to reflect Your glory in my life, in my relationships, in my work, and in my finances. Fill me with Your power to believe in greater things and never settle for less than what You want for me. Amen.

In His Service,

Crystal McDowell Signature

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