For Demas, in love with this present world, has deserted me

2 Timothy 4:10

Rejection from those who’ve left us can be overcome. We will eventually find ourselves removed emotionally from the loss and able to recuperate. Jesus was in close and intimate connection with the disciples. Yet when He needed them most—every single one of them took off. Even so, Jesus received them back after the resurrection.

The Lord is comfort to those who find themselves friendless because He knows what it feels like. He uses the gaping wound in our hearts to bring us closer to Him. We learn to find Jesus Christ as a friend that is closer than any relative. We find Him to be a private and trusted Confidante that knows our heart and intentions. As a result of this friendship, we forgive those who’ve hurt us and move on towards other friendships that are balanced and healthy.


Dear Lord, my loss of this friend is hard to overcome. I pray for your peace and comfort to forgive and move on with the life you’ve called me to live. In Jesus’ name, amen.

In His Service,

Crystal McDowell Signature

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