I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

Psalm 139:14

For years of my life, I wasted valuable opportunities because I didn’t understand my net worth in Christ. I believed the lies of the enemy that I wasn’t good enough even though I did well in the eyes of others. In my heart, I knew that I wasn’t doing my best because I lacked the confidence to push myself beyond what I could ever imagine.

As most people in their middle age years, I continue to do a reassessment of my value in Christ. Because I know the Lord, I know that He has created me for His valuable and essential purpose that I can only fulfill. No one can do it for me. I understand now that many of my decisions were tainted by a low self-worth. While I can’t redo the decisions of my past, I can press forward with the time that God has given me. Not only do I break down the walls of self-limitations set by myself and others—I also do whatever it takes to encourage others like me (especially young people) to press forward in the faith.

My net worth in Christ is beyond any amount of value in this world. He loved me so much that Christ died for me why I was yet a sinner. He didn’t save me just to go to heaven one day—He saves me and you because we are the light in this fallen world. Through each one of us, He can use our gifts and weaknesses to make us more like His perfect Son. When we recognize our value in Him, we walk in invincible faith, we love unconditionally, we forgive freely, we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus.

What we believe about ourselves—that is our net worth in Christ—will be evident in how we live our lives. God can use us to bring multitudes of sinners to grace, to give in abundance to those in need, to disciple young people to take this world. There’s nothing impossible for the believer who knows their value in Christ Jesus.


Dear Lord, I pray that You will encourage my heart to know my value in Christ so that I can be used for Your glory. In Jesus’ name, amen.

In His Service,

Crystal McDowell Signature

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