Unwise Advice

The counsels of the wicked are deceitful.

Proverbs 12:5

We are overwhelmed with many venues giving us advice about our lives. Daytime talk shows, radio programs, and bloggers have thousands upon thousands of opinions. Many are sincere in what they share, even if they are sincerely wrong.

Much of their advice is based on humanism and society’s attempt to reconcile guilty consciences along with the desire to continue with what our sinful nature wants to do. Actually, most of what they say makes sense to our minds, but it’s in direct conflict with what the Scriptures teach us. How do we filter wise advice from the unwise so that we aren’t being led astray? Let’s start with following godly A-D-V-I-C-E:

A – Ask ourselves if there is any part of the advice that convicts our conscience? The Holy Spirit will raise the red flag in our spirits if something doesn’t sound right.

D – Decide beforehand that we will table their advice until we’ve had time to pray. It’s essential to seek God in prayer in order that the Holy Spirit can lead us in the right direction.

V – Visualize the end result of their advice. Does it lead to a place of godly or worldly wisdom? God’s wisdom leads to life; while worldly wisdom will lead to death of purpose, dreams, and destiny.

I – Inquire from mature, godly Christians about the advice. Resist the temptation to keep it to ourselves especially if it gives more opportunity to serve our sinful desires.

C – Carefully examine the Scriptures to research their advice. It may not always be readily apparent until we take the time to study the topic more thoroughly in the Bible.

E – Expect that God will give us clarity if we ask Him. According to James 1:5, He will give us wisdom if we ask in faith.


Dear Lord, I pray for keen discernment to root out unwise advice. Infiltrate my heart and mind with Your truths so that I may never be deceived. In Jesus’ name, amen.

In His Service,

Crystal McDowell Signature

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