Throw Deep in your Faith

Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.

Luke 5:4

When Peter first met Jesus, he couldn’t help but hear truth. Jesus stepped into Peter’s boat and preached to a multitude of people. When He was finished preaching and teaching, Jesus instructed Peter to put his nets into the deep water for a catch. Being an experienced fisherman, Peter explained that he and the other fishermen had been working all night and caught nothing. However, something Jesus said during His sermon must’ve stuck in Peter’s heart because he said, ““Master, we toiled all night and took nothing! But at your word I will let down the nets.”
And they caught so much fish that their boat was too full and they needed other fishermen to help them before they sank.

Has Jesus spoke to your heart about throwing deep in your faith? Perhaps He’s compelling to your heart towards a ministry but it would mean that you give up your full time job. Maybe He’s compelling you to speak to someone at your school or job about your faith, but you are afraid of being rejected. Sometimes Jesus compels us to throw deep in our faith in our tithes and offerings, but we are afraid that we won’t have money when we need it.

Whatever prompted Peter to throw deep is the same promptings for us—that is, God’s word. If Jesus had told Peter to throw deep before he heard the word, Peter may have walked away shaking his head. Yet, because he heard the word and it took root in his heart—he threw the nets.

Just as it didn’t make sense to an experienced fisherman, it may not make sense in our own minds. Yet, if we hear and obey God’s word, we will experience the greater blessing of throwing deep in our faith.


Dear Lord, I’ve been hesitant to throw deep in my faith. Guide me in Your word to hear and obey so that I may experience You in a deeper way. In Jesus’ name, amen.

In His Service,

Crystal McDowell Signature

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