The Search for Significance


What is man that you are mindful of him?

Psalm 8:4

Many people would trade everything they own for the opportunity to be significant. We want to be included regardless of our age, background, or culture. Exclusion, whether it’s at home, school, or work, gives us the feeling that we aren’t necessary and that our presence is insignificant to others.

Satan uses this feeling as a breeding ground to tempt us with sinful behaviors just so we can feel like we are a part of something significant. The problem is that after we have given up everything that was good in order to be included, the significance that we sought after only leaves us feeling empty and useless.

Someone once said that they would rather go to hell instead of heaven in order to be with all of their friends. In their ignorance of hell (solitary, isolated, tormenting), they actually believe significance is found in the company of evil people on the other side. Yet true significance can only be found in a growing relationship with Jesus Christ now and forever.

God made man above nature and a little lower than the angels (Psalm 8). He thought so highly of mankind that He sent His one and only sinless Son to die for every person. His death means that no one has to feel insignificant. In fact, if there was only one person on the earth, Jesus would’ve still gone to the cross—no one is ever left out feeling worthless.

Our value to God is more than anything else this world can offer. He gives each believer spiritual gifts for the body of Christ, which is the church. When we become followers of Jesus Christ, we are automatically a part of the church; and it’s our responsibility to get involved in a local ministry. When we serve Christ by serving others, our significance is felt and known to us and everyone in our sphere of influence.


Dear Lord, I want to stop searching for significance in anything or anyone but You. I pray for the strength to look past the emptiness of worldly significance and find my hope in You. Amen.

In His Service,

Crystal McDowell Signature

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