But we have the mind of Christ.

1 Corinthians 2:16

Have you ever struggled with wandering thoughts? These distracting thoughts keep us from focusing on Christ and His calling on our lives. Our thoughts could be around a relationship, fantasies, revenge, worries, etc. The spectrum of our thoughts can move a mile a minute and across the world without us leaving our homes, jobs, or schools.

God blessed us with creative minds for His purpose more than for our own. It’s His will that we have the mind of Christ in our daily lives so that we can honor and glorify God with our words and actions. However, our flesh, the world, and Satan are constantly bombarding our minds with a different agenda. Because of this internal and external pressures, we have to constantly renew our minds in Christ Jesus. How do we RENEW our minds in Christ Jesus? Watch this video to find out…


Dear Lord, I want my thoughts to glorify You. I pray Your strength to overcome evil with good. In Jesus’ name, amen.

In His Service,

Crystal McDowell Signature

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