Spiritual Vision

O LORD, please open his eyes that he may see.

2 Kings 6:17

Not too long ago, I went to the eye doctor to get glasses. They aren’t too strong, but enough to help me see with a little more clarity. When I forget to bring my glasses, I get a little frustrated because I like reading with the quickness and clarity. However, since my vision isn’t too bad, I can get along fine without glasses for everything else.

Our spiritual vision doesn’t require glasses, but it does require help from God. In our Christian journey, He often quickens in our hearts a fantastic vision to come to pass. This inspiration from God rarely is simple nor easy. In fact, it’s usually absolutely, insanely impossible unless He moves in a great way. Unlike my physical glasses, we need a daily refresh of our spiritual vision to keep us on track.

Our spiritual vision will always be fogged by sin and carnality. If we refuse to let go of our sinful ways, we may wake up one day and find our spiritual vision dimmed. This condition deceives us into thinking we can continue living like the world and still know God intimately. It will also deaden our desires to overcome difficulties and experience the deeper things of our Lord.

Our spiritual vision can be improved through obedience to God’s word and a continual connection with Him in prayer. If we’ve walked away from the truth and returned back—our spiritual vision will improve and then we may feel regret from our wasted time. However, there’s grace and hope from God when we humble ourselves. Not only will He restore our spiritual vision, but He will give us a new vision to accomplish His will.


Dear Lord, I need my spiritual vision restored so that I can walk in Your ways every day. In Jesus’ name, amen.

In His Service,

Crystal McDowell Signature

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