Sex Is Good


Let the marriage bed be undefiled

Hebrews 13:4

Sex is good within the boundary of marriage. It wasn’t just meant for the continuation of mankind—it also allows for the pleasure of a husband and wife to enjoy personal intimacy. Unfortunately, this holy concept of a healthy and vibrant sexual relationship has been maligned and misconstrued by our society.

For those who are married, both have a responsibility to meet each other’s sexual needs without guilt or shame. The marriage bed is pure in God’s sight; however, because of the infiltration of worldliness, Christian believers can forget the awesome privilege of a lifetime commitment to one person. God brings great blessing on the lives of married couples who continue to meet each other’s needs without allowing the root of discontentment to grow.

There is a mystery to the sexual union between a man and woman committed only to one another that continues to confound the world. The intimate connection is a reflection of the church and Jesus Christ. As the bride of Christ, we are to present ourselves to Him as pure, holy, and set apart from all others. We aren’t to share our worship, adoration, or praise to any false god, material possessions, or other people. God wants us for Himself, and idolatry is repulsive to the Lord, just as adultery is repulsive to a spouse.

As much as our culture does everything it can to deceive us about the sanctity of sex within marriage, we can continue to press our way towards truth. For those who are married, stay committed to your partner in faithfulness. For those who desire to be married, stay set apart for the Lord and He will bring the right spouse for you at the right time. Sex is good–in God’s order and plan.


Dear Lord, cleanse me from any worldly influence that pollutes my view of sex in marriage. Help me to live in such a way that reflects Your desires for me in what state I find myself. Amen.

In His Service,

Crystal McDowell Signature

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