Sanctified for God’s Purpose

The Levites were more upright in heart than the priests in consecrating themselves.

2 Chronicles 29:34

In 2 Chronicles 29, there was a revival happening in the hearts of God’s people. They worked hard to restore true worship to the one and only God. Yet, not everyone was ready—although they could’ve been ready. Many priests were slow to get about doing the business of consecration so that they could minister to God and His people. It was the Levites who took the mantle of sanctification seriously and God used them during this season of repentance and reconciliation.

Many believers want to be used by God because they know the purposes and calling placed on their hearts. Yet, when revival comes, how many will be ready? Some of us are too wrapped up in the ways of this world and we won’t be ready for His ministry to the lost. We carry the heavy burdens of materialism and desiring the respect of other people more than we carry the cross.

How can we begin to get ready for God’s revival across the world? Let’s S-A-N-C-T-I-F-Y ourselves in preparation…

S – Start with prayer of confession, repentance, and reconciliation. (2 Chronicles 7:14)

A – Ask God to direct us in the right paths for our lives at home, work, school or community. (Psalm 23:3)

N – Nix the worldly influences from our daily lives. (Galatians 6:14)

C – Call upon God to raise up more believers to reach out to the lost. (Luke 10:2)

T – Take the time to immerse ourselves more fully into God’s word. (Isaiah 40:8)

I – Initiate conversations with unbelievers about knowing God as their Savior. (Romans 10:14)

F – Find more time to spend with God alone for reflection and meditation. (Isaiah 32:18)

Y – Yearn for the more of the Holy Spirit’s influence and presence over our lives. (Acts 1:8)


Dear Lord, Sanctify me so that I can be actively used by You for the time of revival. I want to be ready. In Jesus’ name, amen.

In His Service,

Crystal McDowell Signature

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