Have you ever had someone apologize to you, but you knew they weren’t sincere? In those times, we may give a head nod to their apology, but in our hearts we know better. Yet, we do the same thing to God day after day. We confess our sins because we know we were wrong, but in our hearts—we aren’t really ready to repent.
Real repentance is to make up our minds to completely turn away from our sins. We don’t continue return to them if we are truly sorry and want a relationship with Jesus. Our actions are similar to a dog returning to its vomit. (Proverbs 26:11) What are the steps we can take to achieve real repentance?
Step #1) Confess our sins to God (1 John 1:9)
Step #2) Ask God to wash away all of our iniquity (Psalm 51:2)
Step #3) Share our weaknesses to another trusted believers. (James 5:16)
Step #4) Seek the forgiveness of those we have offended (Matthew 5:23-24)
Step #5) Refuse to allow our thoughts to return back to our sinful ways (2 Corinthians 10:4-5)
Step #6) Look for God’s way of escape when we are tempted to return (1 Corinthians 10:13)
Step #7) Use our testimony of being set free to encourage other believers. (Psalm 51:13)
Even though we’ve been saved through the blood of Jesus Christ, we are still living in a body prone to sin and in a world the leverages the temptation to sin. We have the power of God to overcome sin; yet, if we fall, we can be forgiven, cleansed and set free. The Lord gives us mercy when we don’t deserve it because of His great love for us.
Dear Lord, please forgive me of my sins and lead me in the way of real repentance. I want to be forgiven and cleansed so that I can do Your good will. In Jesus’ name, amen.
In His Service,
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