Miles Ahead of Dad and Mom

Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth.

Psalms 127:4

As a parent, I’ve never trained my children to be like me. Instead I pushed, coaxed, and pleaded with each of them to be better than me. They are the arrows, I am the bow, and the Lord is the wind and power beneath their wings. As they soar ahead of me at every stage of their lives, my heart prays for their journey. I pray that they won’t be afraid or timid at the mountains that stand in their way. I pray that they will charge forward in faith knowing that God is with them wherever they go.

“And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” is what Mordecai said to Esther when she was afraid to approach the king. (Esther 4:14) This is their time and we need to be mindful of it. If we attempt to raise our children just to make money and live a comfortable life, they may miss their purpose and calling.

If we raise our children to live our own dreams for them, they may never know the joy and discovery of hearing the Spirit lead them to unknown places. If we raise our children to only live safely in secure protection, they may miss their assigned day of adventure and the stretching of their faith in the living God.

We don’t need more cowards or lovers of their own selves in these times of uncertainty! We need young, bold, and courageous people of faith who will stand against the tide of sexual immorality and greed. Our children of this generation need parents who equip them with the word of truth to break down spiritual, emotional, and mental strongholds.

If we love our children, we will release them into God’s individual calling over their lives. As they pull away from us and towards God’s purpose, we release them to an eternity of joy and peace of what it truly means to be alive in Jesus Christ.


Dear Lord, I release my children to go farther than what I ever imagined for myself. They are more Yours than they are mine. Help me to lead them to You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

In His Service,

Crystal McDowell Signature

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