I Am


God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.

Exodus 3:14

When God called Moses to lead His people from Egypt, Moses asked, “What is his name? What shall I say to them?” God’s response set Him apart from all the pagan gods of the Egyptians because He fully encompassed everything. “I Am” was enough for the Israelites, and He is enough for us today.

When we are sick, He is the Healer. When we are lost, He is the Way. When we are in danger, He is the Protector. When we are in need, He is the Provider. When we are under attack, He is the Defender. When we are scared, He is the Comforter. When we were dead in our sins, He was the Giver of life.

There are times when we forget that He is the great “I Am” of our lives because we get distracted by busyness, families, careers, etc. However, sometimes we need to just step back and reflect on who God is: I Am. He is greater than all of our concerns and well able to take care of everything we have before Him.

Our prayer life should begin with all the things we know God is now, was in the past, and will be in the future. If we pray with the mindset of  “I Am” at the beginning of our prayers, we will find our faith emboldened to pray according to His will and not according to our circumstances.

As believers of Jesus Christ, we have “I Am” on our side and willing to be all things for us and through us. We can live in confidence that the God within us is greater than anything we need.


Dear Lord, forgive me for the times that I’ve forgotten that You are “I Am” and everything I need in this life. In Jesus’ name, amen.

In His Service,

Crystal McDowell Signature

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