God’s Financial Planning


Give, and it will be given to you.

Luke 6:38

The older we get, the more we recognize the importance of good financial planning. Some of us have pensions or retirement goals that we hope will be enough for the future. The beauty of God’s financial planning is that it outlasts all earthly treasures. Through His word, we learn the key elements of His financial planning.

Element #1) Seek first God’s kingdom and He will take care of us (Mathew 6:33).
Our first responsibility in God’s financial planning is to seek His kingdom first. This means that our passion and drive are more for God’s plan and purpose than they are for money.

Element #2) Trust all of our finances (or lack thereof) to God (Proverbs 3:5-6).
We will be disappointed if we trust in man or his economic systems. God is faithful to grant our desires according to His will if we put our complete trust in Him. His faithfulness remains regardless of global or local economies.

Element #3) Expect that He will meet all of our needs (Philippians 4:19).
We all have needs, and God promises to meet them according to what’s in His vast heavenly riches and not earthly bank vaults. Our role is to trust that God will provide what we need in His timing, not ours.

Element #4) Give freely, cheerfully, and generously (Luke 6:38, 2 Corinthians 9:7).
There’s joy in giving when our hearts are right before the Lord. We give; and through His grace, we are more blessed. We are set free from hoarding for ourselves. The blessings of the Lord to faithful givers is more than just financial. They expand to our spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical well-being.

Element #5) Save and invest your earthly wealth wisely and intently (Ecclesiastes 11:1).
Even though we don’t love money, we are still to be responsible with it. Our good stewardship is a part of this earthly journey. One day we each will give an account to the Lord for what we did with it.

Element #6) Know that God reigns (Psalms 47:8).
God’s financial planning doesn’t necessarily mean we won’t have tough financial times. We live in a fallen world, and many of us will never be wealthy. However, because God is in control of everything, our finances are safely in His hands. He takes care of His own.


Dear Lord, I pray for Your wisdom and grace to be a good steward of my finances. I want Your name to be glorified in my seeking, giving, saving, and investing. In Jesus’ name, amen.

In His Service,

Crystal McDowell Signature

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