Follow Through

This man began to build and was not able to finish.

Luke 14:30

In the business world there is the expectation of completed staff work. This means that you’ve not only followed through from beginning to end, but you leave no stone uncovered. Those who receive your work have confidence that’s thorough and complete.

God’s expectations for His people are no less than those of the workplace—He expects us to follow through on our calling. We will face opposition because Satan will do everything he can to frustrate us in our efforts. He will send people who will cause discord and problems in our direction. He will speak lies to our hearts to tempt us to give up and walk away. The devil knows that we feel defeated if we don’t finish the work.

We can follow through when we keep our eyes on the prize and not just the steps to get there. Our eyes of faith will keep us on the right track because we press forward even when we don’t see the fruits of our labor just yet. Following through is a mindset that refuses to quit or turn in lesser work.

As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, we follow His example of pressing forward in obedience even to death on the cross. If there was any other way for mankind to be saved, Jesus could’ve passed on the cup of suffering. But He refused to come to the earth and not leave in victory regardless of the cost.

If we don’t follow through, we will always wonder what might have been. We will receive a great reward for completing the work that God has given us. Our completed work can be done because we have power from the Holy Spirit to overcome doubts, fears, and other distractions. Press forward in faith and get the job done right!


Dear Lord, I want with all my heart to complete the work you’ve called me to do. I pray for the strength to finish it completely. Amen.

In His Service,

Crystal McDowell Signature

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