How to Find Rest for Your Soul


Return, O my soul, to your rest.

Psalm 116:7

If we aren’t careful, we can get caught up into the restlessness of this world. Because of modern technology, we can stay on call at all times through our phones, computers, etc. If we don’t learn to rest our spirits, minds, and bodies, we will find ourselves depleted and sick. Satan waits to pounce on us with various temptations and discouragement when we neglect to find rest for our souls. There are ten steps we can take to find this rest.

Step #1) Pause your current activities for a time of deliberate prayer and careful reflection of your life.

Step #2) Recognize the spiritual, emotional, and physical damage you are allowing to happen.

Step #3) Find an accountability partner to encourage you to stay on the right path of rest.

Step #4) Reevaluate your priorities so that your relationship with God and family comes first.

Step #5) Take the time to rest your body physically with daytime naps or good sleep at night.

Step #6) Begin to regularly fast from anyone or anything that is draining your energy.

Step #7) Meditate on God’s word to replenish your spiritual insight into what it means to rest.

Step #8) Add daily physical exercise to keep yourself more physically fit.

Step #9) Set aside quality and quantity time with your family and close friends.

Step #10) Restore your emotional health by releasing heavy burdens of fear, regret, and shame.

If you choose rest for your soul, life will become more rich and full. If you choose to continue on the path of restlessness, you will come to the end of yourself eventually. In Matthew 11:28-30, Jesus said, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”


Dear Lord, I want to find my rest in You. Give me the strength to follow the correct steps leading me to rest for my soul. Amen.

In His Service,

Crystal McDowell Signature

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