Faith + Works = Grace


Faith was active along with his works

James 2:22

Abraham took the steps of faith when God told him to leave his home country. He left everything that was comfortable and predictable for an unknown land promised to his heir. When Abraham first set out in faith, he may have expected God to move right away. However, it was twenty-five years later before Isaac was born.

Abraham’s faith in God and the work of moving forward gave him grace for the journey. As believers in Jesus Christ, our faith and works go hand and hand leading to the grace of God. Just like Abraham, we can continue in God’s grace even when we don’t see things changing immediately.

Some of us have left our jobs in pursuit of full time ministry; yet our ministry hasn’t grown the way we thought it would. Many of us have stepped out in faith to give more to ministry; yet we still struggle in our finances. Sometimes we’ve longed for our relationships to improve only to find loneliness and heartbreak. Yet, we remain faithful in God’s work and we experience His sufficient grace in our weakest moments.

There is hope because of the grace of God. His grace transcends our circumstances and doubts. His grace enables us to move beyond what we see and live by faith in Him. The grace of God is more than enough to carry us through the most difficult days. His grace will strengthen us as we put our trust in Him. Just like Abraham, we may not see His answer to our prayers when or how we expect it—but we will know God’s grace when our faith and works come together.


Dear Lord, I pray for the grace to move my faith and works towards what I believe You have for me. Help me to keep moving forward. In Jesus’ name, amen.

In His Service,

Crystal McDowell Signature

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