Do I Really Believe

For whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists.

Hebrews 11:6

I’ve had many times when I’ve been presumptuous about what God is doing in my life. I assumed He was doing one thing, when in fact, He was doing something different. While I know that God is good, I also know that I’m not always good. My decisions aren’t always clear and decisive. I try my best to believe and stay on the right track—but sometimes, I fail. What I must remember in those times is that even though I fail, God has never failed me. I ask myself the following questions:

Do I really believe that He exists? If I believe He exists, then I live my life in a righteous way that leads to His glory rather than my shame.

Do I really believe that He will never leave nor forsake me? If I believe that He is with me always, then I’m mindful of my conversations and activities throughout the day.

Do I really believe that He is making all things work together for my good? If I believe He’s working everything for my good, then I don’t waver in unbelief in the unexpected.

Do I really believe that He is leading me in the right direction? If I believe God is leading me, then I boldly step out in faith.

Do I really believe that He hears my prayers? If I believe He hears my prayers, then I make time to pray intently and in a spirit of expectancy.

Do I really believe that He keeps every promise in the Bible? If I believe He keeps His promises, then I am confident instead of fearful.

Do I really believe that He wants to bless me? If I believe He wants to bless me, then I receive His blessings with thankfulness.

Do I really believe that He will lead me to heaven one day? If I believe I’m going to heaven, then I’m unafraid of death.


Dear Lord, I want to believe You, help me in the times of my unbelief. You are my loving Father and I trust in You. Amen.

In His Service,

Crystal McDowell Signature

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