Be There

Come, O children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the Lord.

Psalm 34:11

To the best of my ability, I have raised all five of my children in the Lord. They heard about God’s goodness their entire time at home, they’ve attended church regularly, they’ve participated in youth groups, missions trips, and church summer events. They’ve been taught how to read and trust the Bible, and how to pray to God. Yet, with all that training I still continue to ask them about their relationship with God.

It’s possible to grow up in a home that’s all about God and yet still miss Him. I never want to take for granted that they get it—that the only thing that matters in this life is knowing Jesus. Before my son left for the military, I asked him if he was going to be there. “Be where, Mom?” he asked. “Be there in heaven. Hopefully I get there before you…and I want you to be there.”
He assured me that his relationship with God was right and that he would be there.

Don’t you want your children to be there? What our children do in their lifetime is important and we want them to experience every good thing that God gives to them. If they grow up to be the doctor that has the cure for cancer, the leader that brings peace to our troubled communities, or the business person to raise huge amounts of money for the poor—it means nothing if they don’t have eternal life through Jesus Christ.

Our life on this earth is a tiny drop in the ocean of eternity. God has put eternity in the hearts of men and women even if they don’t want to acknowledge it. (Ecclesiastes 3:11) As a mother, nothing matters more to me than each of my five children (and future grandchildren) make up their mind to be there.


Dear Lord, I know that I’m not the perfect parent, but I serve the Perfect Father in heaven. I pray that You draw each of my children to know You as Lord of their lives. In Jesus’ name, amen.

In His Service,

Crystal McDowell Signature

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