For those who love God…all things work together for good.
When we go through a difficult personal crisis, we can find much peace in these three words: God’s got it. Many times we will find ourselves at a place where there seems no escape from the pressure or pain. Yet when we let those words sink into our spirits, we find the courage to move forward.
Knowing that God’s got our tough times figured out frees us from anxious thoughts. We no longer have to stay up late or wake up early working and trying to plan everything out. He can take our hard places and turn them for our good.
When we constantly meditate on His promises and walk in obedience to His word, we have the ability to rest in Him. There will be the temptation to worry, and our enemy will constantly throw obstacles in our way, yet we can overcome as we take steps in faith in spite of our situation.
We must be careful to focus our attention on Him and not our situation. This walk of faith is going to have wonderful times of joy and awful times of sorrow. Somehow in God’s sovereign power, He takes this confusing mixture of life and works it out for our good.
Why would He do this? Because He loves those who love Him and are willing to walk according to His calling on their lives, even when we are tested in our faith. God’s got it whether or not our deliverance comes quickly or sometime in the future. Our testimony isn’t just what He did but how He kept us in the struggle.
Dear Lord, there are so many times I’m tempted to fret with worry. Yet I know that You got it for me, and I will trust You regardless of my circumstances. In Jesus’ name, amen.
In His Service,
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