Who Gets the Credit


His eyes are upon their ways.

Job 24:23

A friend recently shared about a near-miss car accident in which she and her daughter would’ve been seriously hurt or killed. She didn’t understand how they were saved, but she acknowledged that a great Power was at work for her. Wouldn’t it be strange if we gave her credit for being a mom? Perhaps we give her credit for yelling at her daughter to hit the brake.

Neither of those two actions would’ve kept them from getting hurt–she’s already done those things. It was the unseen hand of God intervening for them. The Lord has His eyes on all of us and our ways. None of us can take credit for what God is doing for or around us.

If we attempt to take credit because of our keen wisdom and knowledge…who gives us this ability to think? If we take credit because of our marriages and families…who gives us the ability and strength to stay married and raise children? If we take credit for our good financial standing and security…who is it that gives us the power to make wealth?

It’s the way of the world to take credit for their accomplishments because they don’t acknowledge the hand of God. However, as believers, we know that God is alive, ever present, and always looking out for us. We can’t even take credit for coming to Jesus because we can’t come to Him unless He first draws us to Himself.

All credit, all glory, and all honor go to God for everything in our lives that is good. He blesses not only His people, but the whole world is blessed by God because He is faithful, even when we are faithless.


Dear Lord, You deserve all the glory, honor, and power for everything that You have done in my life. Help me to live in that awareness every single day. Amen.

In His Service,

Crystal McDowell Signature

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