What’s Your Name


No longer shall your name be called Abram.

Genesis 17:5

God changed Abram’s name (high father) to Abraham (father of a multitude of nations). This was a faith changer for Abraham. It meant that every time he introduced himself, he was faced with the fact that he didn’t have an heir, even as an elderly man. It may have seemed ridiculous in a culture where names meant something about the person. Yet God called him Abraham, and he did eventually become the father of many peoples across nations, cultures, and generations.

Our culture doesn’t necessarily hold the same value about names. In fact, many of us were called other names in childhood: ugly, stupid, lazy, ignorant, etc. Because we were labeled with these erroneous names, many of us still carry these names into our adult life and find ourselves unable to rise above the deep-rooted scars of our childhood.

Yet when we become believers, God calls us our true names: beloved, holy, precious, pure, righteous, etc. We may struggle with the fact that we don’t feel we match up to our new names. However, it doesn’t matter what we feel but what we believe about God.

We may feel that our past mistakes have seared our futures with a negative branding. However, when we give our lives to God, we become new people in Jesus Christ—the old way of thinking and living has passed. This opportunity to live above and beyond our past will be most evident in how we live our lives of faith. We don’t tiptoe around our new identity in the Lord; instead, we boldly take our new names and live up to the higher standard of faith and spirituality.


Dear Lord, I want to embrace my new name in Christ Jesus. Help me to demolish the strongholds of past names and walk in faith. In Jesus’ name, amen.

In His Service,

Crystal McDowell Signature

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