You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against the sons of your own people.

Leviticus 19:18

People are going to let us down—the sooner we accept this reality the better it is for us. Only God is perfect. But sometimes we get offended and we find it hard to let go so we hold on to a grudge for a long time. Most often the other person is either unaware that they’ve offended us or they’ve completely forgotten about it. It’s our little prison that we keep people locked in until we are ready to move on—the problem is that we are the only prisoners of a grudge.

Letting go of a grudge doesn’t mean that what they did or didn’t do doesn’t matter. Letting go means letting God take hold of the situation and working it for our good. Letting go means that we are seeking God’s hand to help us move on as we cast all of our cares on Him. (1 Peter 5:7)
Letting go means that we are free from the heaviness of trying to hold others responsible for everything that goes wrong in our lives.

Holding a grudge is a mindset that we train ourselves to do—but just like every bad habit—we can retrain our thoughts in a different direction. When we find ourselves blaming this particularly person, we can choose to pray and ask God to help us move towards forgiveness. We can deny our feelings and flesh to dictate what we think about this person by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Are you catching the recurring theme in every “Can’t Make Me” video blog? It’s by God’s power that we overcome every single sin and weaknesses one by one.

When we shift our focus off of ourselves and our offense and look to the cross where Jesus bore the weight of our personal sin—we can let go because He doesn’t hold a grudge against us.

Can’t make me hold a grudge…


Dear Lord, I’ve been holding a grudge against certain people for a long time. I want to let of this stronghold so that I can be free in Christ of every sinful restraint. Show me the right way. In Jesus’ name, amen.

In His Service,

Crystal McDowell Signature

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