Tired of Fighting Part 1

What causes fights and quarrels among you?

James 4:1

Most of the popular reality TV shows center around some kind of fighting drama. If everyone got along, the show would be cancelled. It’s reminiscent of the school days when someone yelled out, “Fight! Fight!” and the mob of people would run to watch the unfolding drama.

We have fighting not only in the world of reality TV, but even actually in the church! This isn’t God’s will for His people. We’re to show the world a better way and stay above it without being drawn into stupid, messy fights. Why do we fight?

#1) Wanting our own desires first
God will grant the desires of our hearts when we seek His will and not our own selfish gratification. We need to first look for what is best for the kingdom of God and He will take care of what our desires. (Matthew 6:33).

#2) Wanting but never attaining
God grants our desires according to His will and not ours. We frustrate ourselves when we mix up our needs with our wants. God meets all of our needs according to His riches and glory. (Philippians 4:19)

#3) Refusing to ask God first
Many of us don’t ask God first because we are ashamed of what is in our hearts. We know it’s wrong to ask for things like…another person’s spouse or to win a million dollars in the lottery. We don’t ask, we get frustrated, and then we take it out on those around us. (James 4:2)

#4) Asking with wrong motives
We get frustrated when God doesn’t answer our prayers, but we don’t want to take the time to examine our hearts to make sure our motives are right. Pure motives desire Gods’ will, even if we don’t get what we want out of it. (James 4:3)


Dear Lord, I’m tired of fighting internally and externally. I want to find my rest in You. Reveal my true motives and heal me so that my life can be filled with peace. Amen.

In His Service,

Crystal McDowell Signature

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