The Lord is my Shepherd

I am the good shepherd.

John 10:11

When a shepherd leads his sheep out, they are completely dependent on him to lead to places of provision, comfort, and safety. Sheep left to themselves will get caught in a mess of thorns, cliffs, and waterfalls. A good shepherd knows his sheep—the obedient and disobedient. He knows the ones who are more likely to stray and he will do whatever it takes (even pain) to get the sheep to stay on the right track.

Jesus Christ is the Good Shepherd for those who put their trust in Him. He knows that many of us have tendencies that are not good for us. Therefore, He will do what is necessary to lead us out of sin and its deceitfulness. Sometimes we will suffer for our choices, yet the Good Shepherd won’t leave us alone in our pitiful state. Instead He will come pick us up and lead us to green pastures.

Because the Lord is our Shepherd, we don’t have to be afraid of our enemies. He takes whatever our enemies mean for evil and turns it for our good. The Good Shepherd protects us from our enemies when we find ourselves defenseless.

Because the Lord is our Shepherd, we will have everything we need to do His will. We aren’t dependent on man’s generosity nor goodwill because the Shepherd provides our spiritual, emotional, and physical needs.

Because the Lord is our Shepherd, we can have confidence even when sorrow or tragedy comes our way. He gives us strength to go through the tough days one moment at a time. We aren’t abandoned by Him; rather we are held close to the Shepherd’s heart.

Because the Lord is our Shepherd, we will one day see Him as He is. We will behold the One who gave His life for us. We will fall down and worship Him in all of His glory and splendor. Our reward will be given to us for following the Good Shepherd with all of our hearts.


Dear Lord, lead me into the right paths of this life. Guide me away from those things that would take me away from knowing you in a deeper way.

In His Service,

Crystal McDowell Signature

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