For I will be merciful toward their iniquities, and I will remember their sins no more.

Hebrews 8:12

Have you ever struggled with the assurance of being forgiven by God? Many of us know in our minds we are forgiven, but we tussle in our hearts if that is really true. If you’re like me, you’ve sincerely asked God to forgive you and then sinned again and repeat. Does God have a register where He keeps count of how many times we’ve asked for forgiveness? Is there a limit to His forgiveness?

These are the questions that confirm our feelings of not being forgiven. One major problem is that we tend to assume that God acts like humans—you can be forgiven once—maybe twice for the same infraction, but three times? Or no, we’re done…

How do we get to the place of completely and freely receiving God’s forgiveness of our sins? Because of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, we can KNOW God’s forgiveness. Watch the video…


Dear Lord, I want to know and receive Your forgiveness for my sins. I’m not worthy, but You already know that and still extend the grace of forgiveness. Thank you. In Jesus’ name, amen.

In His Service,

Crystal McDowell Signature

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