They go from strength to strength.

Psalm 84:7

Sometimes I feel like I’m treading through life—barely keeping my head above water. I’m supporting and coaching my kids as a single mom. I’m trying to manage a work life balance where I’m giving it my all in both. While it hasn’t been easy the last few years—some things have happened to me while I was treading life. My relationship with God has deepened more than I ever thought it would. I’m stronger spiritually, emotionally, and physically than I was before. It’s made me tough and tender—tough to take more and tender to give more of myself. Watch this video to learn how we can TREAD with God in life.


Dear Lord, I pray Your strength to tread through the tough times of life. I need You more than ever. In Jesus’ name, amen.

In His Service,

Crystal McDowell Signature

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