Prodigal Parents


For my father and my mother have forsaken me.

Psalm 27:10

Some parents continue to live sinful lives even though they are aware of the truth. Children of prodigal parents suffer because while they want to learn from their experience, they only learn what not to do in their own lives. The Lord desires that the children of prodigals look to Him for direction, wisdom, and advice in dealing with their parents. It’s not easy, but take courage when dealing with prodigal P-A-R-E-N-T-S:

P – Pursue a peaceful relationship as much as it is up to you. (Romans 12:18)
Because of Christ, you have the power within to pursue peace as much as it is up to you.

A – Allow times of distance if necessary. (Ecclesiastes 3:5)
Use wisdom and discernment from the Lord to protect yourself and your family.

R – Respect and show honor in obedience to God’s word. (Exodus 20:12)
Refuse to return evil for evil, and show honor to your parents out of obedience to God.

E – Expect that there will be times when they respond to you with angst. (1 Peter 4:14)
Keep your heart guarded by the truth of Scriptures when they act out of line.

N – Never give up intercessory prayer on their behalf. (James 5:16)
Prayer is the method that the Lord uses to intervene and bring them to the place of repentance.

T – Take advantage of opportunities to show them love in the name of Christ. (Ephesians 2:10)
Follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, and be willing to bless them in the name of Christ.

S – Stand in faith by forgiving them and continuing to follow the example of Christ. (1 Timothy 4:12)
Regardless of what they say or do, continue to press on in the faith because you know that your labor is not in vain in Christ.


Dear Lord, I desire my parents to follow You, but they continue to reject truth. Help me to continue to stand in the gap for their souls even when they are behaving badly. Amen.

In His Service,

Crystal McDowell Signature

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