Have you ever really needed a breakthrough from God? Sometimes we can get impatient waiting on His perfect timing when we feel it’s the right time now. Our breakthrough could be a gaining a job, physical or emotional healing, reconciliation with a family member or friend, or perhaps a financial answer to prayer. Whatever our breakthrough looks like—we are long past waiting and ready for the next phase of our faith walk.
However, waiting on a breakthrough can feel like watching water boil. Sometimes it takes longer then we expect. In order to keep our hearts from becoming anxious, we can take the following L’s to Look-Listen-Lean-Let:
Look to God’s promises.
Meditating on God’s promises will help us remain strong in the face of testing. He always keeps His promises and we can build our confidence in that fact that He doesn’t lie. All of His promises are yes and amen in Jesus Christ.
Listen for direction from His word.
Consistently reading from the Bible helps us to have hope when we feel hopeless. The scriptures confirm that God is leading us as we put all of our faith in Him. We may not know everything up front, yet we can follow the truths of the Bible.
Lean on the Holy Spirit for peace.
The Holy Spirit was sent to be a Comforter for those who trust in Jesus. Through His indwelling presence, we can silence our doubts and fears. The Spirit of God speaks to our hearts if we are willing to listen.
Let God move in His perfect timing.
Any breakthrough for us remains in God’s hands. We can’t make Him move faster or slower for us. He knows how to bring all things to work together for our good at just the right time. Our responsibility is to simply trust in Him with all of our hearts.
Dear Lord, calm my anxious heart to trust in You more. I place all of my expectations into You hands. Amen.
In His Service,
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