Intentional, Not Accidental


Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered.

Luke 12:7

Sometimes it’s hard to believe that every event in our lives is orchestrated by God. Tough stuff happens to Christians all the time such as death, murder, divorce, thievery, injustice–the list goes on. If we didn’t know better, we could fall into a dismal pit of discouragement.

Yet we know that God loves us even if we don’t quite understand what is going on around us. This love is completely encompassing and unconditional. He will never take His love away, and no situation, person, or heavenly being can ever change it. His love is so great that He sent His only Son to die for us while we were yet in our sin. When we fully accept how much we are loved, we will not give up on God.

We also know that God uses every situation in our lives for good, even the tough times of our lives. Nothing escapes His view because He sees every single act of injustice against us. We know that those who live godly lives will suffer persecution. Even though we don’t like it, we are comforted by God’s hand that directs everything towards our good. He isn’t mocked by evil people—they will reap a harvest of judgment for their sins against His sons and daughters.

There’s no “oops!” with our Father in heaven. He knows the beginning and the end of our lives as well as those around us. There are no accidents with God, just opportunities to show His glory and grace through those who follow Him with all of their hearts. Take joy when many trials come your way–there is a plan, a purpose, and reward for you!


Dear Lord, I get distressed by the trials and unfairness of this life. Yet I turn to You for hope and strength to get where I need to be in Your plan for my life. Amen.

In His Service,

Crystal McDowell Signature

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