Help from the Hymns

Singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs

Colossians 3:16

Have you ever been in a place so deep with hurt that you couldn’t even pray? It’s in those times that I’ve learned to sing the hymns to bring peace to my heart and prayers to God. Many of us grew up singing the hymns and we can relate to the depth of how those hymns help in difficult days.

Jesus keep me near the Cross reminds us that God is near and can comfort our broken hearts and dreams. There is a hope of a future glory and place without the struggles of this lifetime. Our hearts are encouraged because we will find rest from our labors one day.

Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty reveals the majesty of God that sets Him apart from all other so-called gods. He is a mighty King worthy of our praise regardless of what’s going on in our lives. We acknowledge Him as greater than any problem that we have.

Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus encourages us to trust in the Lord every single day because He is faithful to keep every one of His promises. He will never lie to us—and His word is true. We find this to be our testimony when we pray His promises over our lives.

Leaning on the Everlasting Arms helps us to fall on the Lord instead of leaning to our own strength and understanding. We need Him to take that first breath of the day and to sleep in peace at night. He is the source of our strength.

It is Well with my Soul gives us strength when we are besieged by many sorrows and pains from this life. We bear down to the calmness in our souls that God has us in the palm of His hands and He will never leave nor forsake us.


Dear Lord, quicken my heart to sing the hymns when I feel alone or discouraged. Keep my heart close to yours. Amen.

In His Service,

Crystal McDowell Signature

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