Faithfulness Matters

A faithful man will abound with blessings.

Proverbs 28:20

Have you ever wondered if the small good things you do make a difference? Sometimes we keep doing the right things in our home, at school, and at work; yet, we don’t always feel like it matters. This is especially difficult to understand when we witness those who consistently choose the wrong things to do and they seem to flourish way beyond us. We must be careful to not give up being faithful.

God is looking for those people who are consistently faithful in small and great situations. Paul wrote in Galatians 5:9 that “a little leaven leavens the whole lump.” Whether the leaven is good or evil, it will result in a greater measure of the final product.

Intentionally stealing office supplies at work—even a single pen—can lead to the self-delusion that stealing hundreds of dollars from a corporation isn’t a big deal. On the other hand, intentionally giving a small monthly amount to a Christian charity may not seem like much—until we understand the enormity of how God uses it to build His everlasting kingdom. We know that little can become much in the Father’s hand.

Our faithfulness matters to God and we will receive His blessing in this lifetime and in the next. The reward from God isn’t always evident, but His faithfulness greatly out measures ours. He may or may not entrust financial wealth to us—yet, there is no price greater than having eternal love, sweet peace, or magnificent joy.

As believers in the Christ Jesus, we are compelled to be people of faithfulness. Our devotion to Christ is evident in our faithfulness in our relationships, careers, and ministry. If we keep pressing ourselves to do the right thing even though we struggle with disappointment or tiredness—God will plant that seed of faithfulness to grow us into being more like His Son, Jesus Christ.


Dear Lord, help me press my way towards faithfulness in all the responsibilities and gifts You have given me. In Jesus name, amen.

In His Service,

Crystal McDowell Signature

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