Delayed Again

“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up”

Galatians 6:9

Airline flights are notoriously unpredictable for travelers. As much as technology has helped in the purchase and information of flights, no one is guaranteed that their flights will arrive on time or even if the flight is possible due to weather fluctuations. There is always the possibility of unplanned delays in travel.

Just like air travel, there can be delays in the Christian journey. We can begin to feel our spiritual stride and then all of a sudden—nothing. No growth, no answered prayers, no real breakthroughs. Our delays can cause us to doubt that God is moving on our behalf. We may become discouraged and feel abandoned in the delay. Many people have walked away from the Christian faith because they hit a moment of delay.

Yet it’s in the delays of our spiritual journey where we gather the most seed for growth. It’s in these delays that we learn to be patient and trust in God, regardless of the circumstances. Experiencing a delay stretches and matures our faith in God’s word. When we have a delay, we learn to quiet our flesh and take moments of reflection in order to hear God more clearly. It’s an excellent time to reconsider our current course of actions in life to make sure that they are aligned with God’s will for our life.

Just like in the airport, we have choices in how we deal with our delays. We can get upset and pour out our disappointment on everyone around us. Or we can reel in our perspective of the situation and seek God’s comfort to supply everything we need just when we really need it. If we are wise, we will begin to embrace our delays as God’s ordained strategy in our spiritual walk.

In His Service,

Crystal McDowell Signature

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