Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.

John 14:27

How is our peace different from the peace that the world offers? The peace from the world is typically temporary (all it takes is one unhappy person to make it go away), conditional (you will have peace only if you do this or that), or deceitful (peace is only on the surface).

Yet, the peace that comes from God is beyond our understanding as well as keeping guard over our hearts and minds. (Philippians 4:7) When we have God’s peace, the chaos could be all around us and yet we are calm in our inner person. We don’t have all the answers nor do we even necessarily see an end date for our struggles—however, we still have His peace.

The resurrection of Jesus Christ gave us access to the heavenly peace of God. When He saved us, we were given the Holy Spirit who leads us into all truth. The truth about peace is that God is bigger than anything we struggle with in our lives. The grace about peace is that we rest in God’s promises to take care of us, to hear our prayers, and to never leave us alone. The joy of our peace is that we know in our hearts that God is in control even if our circumstances are in disarray.

Everyone who has put their trust in Jesus as Lord has access to this kind of peace. His peace is everlasting, sustaining, and deeper than our feelings or emotions. Like the large oak tree that may bend and sway in the storms, but never breaks—so we learn in this Christian journey to bend and sway, but never lose our ground in worry and anxiousness.

Because He lives, we can stand in the storms of life, in the unexpected trials, and in the future unknowns. Because He lives, we have peace!


Dear Lord, I need Your peace to sustain me through this season of my life. Because Christ is alive, I know that I can walk in peace every day. In Jesus’ name, amen.

In His Service,

Crystal McDowell Signature

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