Be a Standout


For I have seen that you are righteous before me in this generation

Genesis 7:1

For 600 years, Noah lived among a violent and corrupt people. There had to be times when he felt his faith was useless and ineffective. Perhaps he was tempted to give up the righteous life and fit in with everyone else. He may have wanted to return evil on those who did evil to him. Yet he held onto what was right. The Lord saw Noah in the sea of people living on the earth. God spared not just Noah but his entire family from being killed with everyone else.

Noah wasn’t perfect—yet he did what was right in his generation. Just like Noah, if we hold to what we know is right from God’s word, we are going to stand out. People at our jobs, in our schools, and in our neighborhoods are going to wonder why we don’t simply do as they do—whatever is right in their own eyes. The problem for us is that God’s definition of “right” will not align with the world’s view of “right” no matter how they try to persuade us.

The Lord sees us in the midst of a corrupt and lost generation of people. He doesn’t ignore our prayers, tears, and suffering because of the evil around us. In fact, our heavenly Father notices. And just like He did for Noah, He gives us a place of safety and rest in Him.

We will stand out because of our faith even if we aren’t intentional about it. Our lives will stand out because of our conversations and the hope that lies within our hearts. While standing out may open us up to persecution, the most important distinguishing mark of standing out for Jesus is that God Who sees us. The Lord remembers those who are His, and He will take care of us.


Dear Lord, I pray that I stand out because of my faith in You. Give me strength to endure the criticisms and ridicule I may suffer for Christ’s sake. Amen.

In His Service,

Crystal McDowell Signature

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