Badge Access


So Jesus again said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep.”

John 10:7

Many of us work at jobs where only the employees can enter with badge access. Any visitors or vendors have to go through security in order to come in the building. It’s tough when you’ve lost or forgotten your badge because you will have to go through the same trouble as outsiders. However, with your badge, you are welcomed to enter as much as you would like.

When we accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we were granted an incredible badge access. Because of Jesus, we can enter into the heavenly gates after we take our last breath here on Earth. No one is going to stop us at the door and question our clearance because we’ve been washed in the blood of Jesus Christ.

Not only do we have badge access to heaven after we die, we have badge access when life gets tough. We are given grace from God to survive and overcome many disruptions to our lives. His grace gives us the strength to move forward even when we feel weakened in our resolve to complete His calling on our lives.

As believers we also have badge access in our prayer lives. We don’t have to offer up sacrifices or do anything out of the ordinary to have a conversation with our God. Our prayers are immediately heard in the heavenly realms because God hears His children. The Lord hears and answers our prayers because He is faithful and desires to move on our behalf.

Just like work, our badge access is good for only us. Our spouses, children, and friends can’t use our badge to get into heaven. God doesn’t have grandchildren. We each need our own badges in order to enter into His kingdom.


Dear Lord, thank You for the badge access to heaven and all the other blessings You have given me. Strengthen my courage to let others know about this incredible opportunity to know You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

In His Service,

Crystal McDowell Signature

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