About Me

This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Get To Know Me
My earliest memory as a child was in the nursery at church and ever since then the church has been a significant part of my life. I accepted Christ as my Savior at six years old because I believed that Jesus loved me. I renewed my relationship with Jesus as a teen because I believed that I needed fire insurance…or as my childhood pastor said, “Fire Assurance”.
My testimony reflects the greatness of God’s grace. I know what it is to walk away from the truth only to find isolation, regret, and shame as my closest companions. When I made up my mind to live for Christ and to die is gain—everything changed around me. Not suddenly, but every day I found myself growing stronger in the Lord.
I’m blessed beyond measure with my five children—Jonathan, Jasmine, Jaida, Janelle, and Jessica. Each one of them is unique and special in Christ Jesus. When our family faced its greatest crisis, these children stood in the face of our Goliath and took steps of courage towards Jesus Christ. I’m a proud mom of an American soldier, 2 college students, and 2 high school students.
In addition to writing devotionals, I work full-time for a corporation as a business analyst, I teach a group of women in my church, I serve in a prayer ministry at my church, and I love to play tennis! My greatest hope is to live life to the fullest that the Lord gives to me. I do my best to make the most of every moment that He gives to me.
Don’t forget to sign up for my daily devotional, if you haven’t already.
Speaking Engagements
I have a limited speaking schedule for women’s groups. For more information on speaking, please contact me here.
My Book
My book, Seriously God? Spiritual Insights when Life Suddenly Changes Vol. 1, is now available. Click the link to get your copy.
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